Taaluvikeginta tapavu illa

TaaLuvikegintaa tapavu illa|

There is no other meditation than patience

( taaLu = wait …. Taaluvike = the act of waiting. Though this is how it can be translated in English. In the song it is not just waiting…. It actually means waiting patiently)
TaaLuvikeginta = TaaLuvikege + inta ( = more than, better than)
( tapa=tapassu roughly translates to meditation in English. But it is not only meditation it is a combination of meditation and austerities)
Illa= not there

Kelaballavarige peluvenu solla ||

For those who can listen I will tell you a useful word / utterance

Kelaballavarige = kelaballa ( = able to listen) + avarige (= to them)

Solla = again solla translates to word, utterance, but it is more than that. It is rule, something useful

Dushta manujaru pelva nishturada nudi taalu |

Show patience (and wait before acting) when evil people utter evil words

Dushta = evil, bad ;
manujaru = manuja( man, person), manujaru (plural ) = people;

Pelva = utter

Kashta bandare taalu
Show patience when you encounter hardship

Kashta = trouble, hardship

Bandare = if it comes

Kangedade taalu||
Patiently wait don’t loose hope

KaNgedade = to become dis oriented, loose hope

Netta sasi phala baruva tanaka shaantiya taalu |
Patiently wait in peace for the sapling you planted to bear fruit

Netta = planted
Sasi = sapling
Phala = fruit
Baruva = to come
Shanti = peace

kattu buttiya munde uNaluntu taaLu||

Pack food now that you will have to eat later

Kattu = tie
Butti = food packet like a picnic basket
Munde = later
UNaluntu = uNalu ( = to eat) + untu ( = there is)

Nakku nudivara munde muggarisadee taaLu|

Be patient ( or patiently wait)in the presence of taunters lest you might stumble in front of them

Nakku = laughing
Nudivara= nudiyuvavara = nudiyuva ( = the act of speaking) + avara ( = them)
Munde = in front of ( note the same word being used earlier to mean a time measurement, like in any language some words have more than one meaning in Kannada)

Akkasava maaduvara akkaradi taaLu||

Be affectionate ( or affectionately wait)towards people who are angry( or full of fury)

Akkasava = the act of being angry or furious

Maaduvara = maaduvavara = maaduva ( =act of doing) + avara = them

Akkaradi = akkare ( = affection) + indadi (= along with)

Like how a sprinkling of water patiently stops milk from boiling over ( be as patient)

Ukko haalige Neeru ikkinandadi taaLu|

Ukko= ukkuva = boiling

Haalige = to the milk ( haalu = milk)

Neeru = water

Ikkinandadi = ikkuva (= the act of putting) + andadi ( = like that)

Paksheesha hayavadana sharanendu baaLu||

Live saying that you have offered yourself to the horseheaded Vishnu.

Paksheesha( pakshi = bird, here it means Garuda the eagle vehicle of Vishnu; eesha= Lord, owner, King. Pakshi + eesha = paksheesha= Vishnu, one who is the Lord of Garuda)
hayavadana ( the horse head avatara of Vishnu )

Hayavadana is the signature of shri vadiraajaru. Meaning all vaadiraajaru composition have this name of Vishnu in the last line. Vaadiraajaru was a great daasa. One should not think that the Saint who composes these songs have these signatures to remind people that they wrote the song. The signatures are there because it is the favourite deity of the composer. They want to compose for their ishta daiva and offer it to him.

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