Kashta pattaru Illa

Pallavi: Kashta pattaroo illa KaLavaLeesidarilla |

It doesn’t matter if we do hard work or if we worry|

Kashta = trouble or hardwork. Padu= experience or do = pattaroo = even if you do
( in Kannada there are compound words like in any other language. Though the individual words’ meaning is simple the compound word gives an entirely different meaning. Like the word ‘Kashtapattaroo’. Here it means how much ever hard you try )

KaLavaLa= worry, kaLvaLisu = to worry

brashtaamana ninna haNebarahadashtallade ||

Oh! Spoilt brain it will be as much as it is your destiny||

Brashta= spoilt mana = manassu = mind

Ninna= your
HaNebarahadashtallade = HaNe ( forehead) + barahada ( writing of ) + ashtu ( that much) + allade ( if not ) =( what else?) If not for as much as your destiny.

CharaNa 1: sirivantanaa sneha maadidaroo illa|

Not if you do a rich man’s friendship|
( not if you have riches)
Siri = wealth ( also Lakshmi) sirivanta = one who has wealth, rich man

Pari pari vidyegaLa kaliterilla||

Not if you learn various subjects||
( Not if you gain great knowledge)

Pari = types ( many different types )

Vidya= knowledge (Vidya can’t be directly translated to English. We can call it knowledge. But in regional languages it could also mean topic or subject like in dhanurvidya…. Art (knowledge) of wielding the bow or sakala vidyaa parangata… One who is well versed in all topics. Here it means various topics)
VidyegaLu = many different topics

Nari buddhiyandadi nadedu kondaroo illa|

Not if your intellect behaves like that of a fox|
(Not if you cunning like a fox )

Nari = fox
Buddhiyandadi = buddhi ( intellect)+ andadi ( like hat of)

Nadedu = walk like ( nade = walk) , behave like

Ariyade halavu bage hambalisiderilla||

Even if you yearn in many ways not knowing what to do ||

Ariyade: ari( to know ) , ariyade = to not know
Halavu = many

Bage = ways

Hambalisiderillaa = hambalisu ( yearn )+ iddaroo ( to be ) illa ( no)

CharaNa2: kattaaLu kadujaaNanaadaroo illa|

Not if you are a strong nor very clever |
( it doesn’t matter if your strong in body or clever in intellect)

KattaaLu= kattu ( sculpted ) + aaLu ( man, person) = someone with a strong sculpted body
KadujaNanaadaroo = kadu ( accute ) + jaaNa ( clever person) + adaroo ( even if that is so)

Illa = no

Bettaavanu kittu tandittarillaa ||

Not if you lift a hill and bring it||
( not if you move mountains. … Or even if you put as much effort to move even mountains )

Bettavanu = betta ( hill or mountain ) + annu ( this is what is called a pratyaya, or suffix in English here it means ‘a’) = bettavannu

Kittu = to pluck

Tandittarillaa = tandu ( to bring) + ittaru( to keep it down, or to keep in front of ) + illa ( no)

SrishtiyoLu kaaginele aadikeshavaraaya |

Aadikeshava of kaaginele in this creation|

( that aadikeshava who is in kaaginele )

SrishtiyoLu= srishti( creation) oLu ( = oLage= inside in)

Kaaginele: a place in Karnataka

Aadikeshava raya = aadikeshava ( name of Vishnu , please refer to bananje’s book on Vishnu sahasranama for the meaning of keshava) + raaya ( King, Lord, owner)

Kottavariguntoo kodadavarigillaa||

For those who he gives have it, for those he doesn’t don’t have it. ||

( He decides to whom it is to be given to whom it shouldn’t be. What is given can be anything … Happiness, knowledge, prosperity, wealth, sadness, despair and even moksha)

Kottavariguntu = kottu ( = kodu = to give) + avarige ( for them, for those) + untu ( is there , have)
Kodadavarigillaa = kodada ( not given) avarige ( for them, for those) + illa ( no)

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