Yaadava nee baa

Pallavi: Yaadava nee baa yadukula nandana |

Come yadava ( Krishna ) son of the yadu clan |

Madhava madhusoodana nee baaro||

Maadhava, Madhusoodhana you come||

Madhava, Madhusoodhana (names of Krishna, good explanation of the names in bananje govindacharya’s book on Vishnu sahasranama)
( nee= you)
( baaro = ( masculine )come )

Sodaramaavana madureli maduhida |

One who killed his uncle in madure (??)|

(sodara mava = mother’s brother. Kamsa)

( maduhu = to kill, maduhida = he killed )

( here I am not sure if mathura, where kamsa was King, is written as madhura or there is some other meaning. If anyone here knows this please post it here. Thank you)

Yashode kanda nee baaro||

Yashoda’s son ( kanda = affectionate term, baby) come||

Khagavahanane bage bage roopane|

One who has a bird as a vehicle and who has many forms |

( khaga, sanskrit word means bird, maybe also means Garuda, eagle. Vaahana = vehicle)
( bage = many. Roopa = form ( here it means form) )

Nagemogadharane nee baaro||

One who has a smiling face you come||

( nage = smile, laugh. Moga = mukha = face. Dhara = possesses)

Jagodolu ninnaya mahimeya pogaluve|

I will sing praises about your greatness |

Jaga = world . Jagadolu = jagada olage= in the world
Mahime = greatness
Pogaluve = hogaluve = I will praise

Purandaravithala nee baaro ||

Purandaravithala you come. ||

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