Endappikombe rangayyana endappikkombe

Endappikkombe rangayyana endappikkombe |
When will I embrace my lord rangayya o! When will I embrace him

Endappikkombe = endu (=when) + appikkombe = appikolluve( = will I embrace , will I hug)

Rangayyana= Rangayya(name of Krishna/ Vishnu ( check Vishnu sahasranama for meaning of this name) )’s

Endappikkombe nanendu muddaaduve

When will I embrace him, when will I kiss him

Naanendu = naanu ( = me, I ) + endu (=when)
Muddaaduve = kissing affectionately, like mother does a baby

Endige savi maatnaadi naa taNive||

When will I speak sweetly to him and feel satisfied

Endige = what day, when
Savi = sweet
Maatanaadi= maatannu( = speak, talk)
Naa = me, I
Tanive = will be satisfied

Anduge paadada gejje ghalu ghalurendu
Chendaagi kuniva mukundana charaNava||

Those feet, adorned with anklets, of the
Beautifully dancing Mukunda|| when will I embrace||

Anduge = a circular gold ring worn around the ankles ( women wear a chain around the ankle, men wear this bangle like ornament)
Padada = ( pada = feet) of the feet
Gejje= tiny bells ( tiny bells attached to the anduge)
Ghalu = sound made by the bells
Ghalurendu = ghaluru + endu (= like that)
Chendaagi = chendavaagi = (chenda = Beautiful) beautifully
Kuniva = jumping, dancing
Mukundana =mukunda’s = Krishna’s
Charanva = (charana = feet) that feet

honnugurudidaara hoLeva peetaambara
Chennaagi naduvilitta jaahnavijanakana||

Ganga’s ( river) father wearing the yellow garment tied to his waist and wearing the gold finger rings and also the gold waist band.|| when will I embrace||

Honnunurudidaara = honnu (=gold) +ungura(=finger ring) + udidaara (= a thread or gold chain worn around the waist)
HoLeva = ( hole = to shine) shining, flashing, bright
Peetambara = peeta (=yellow, golden) + ambara (= cloth)
Chennaagi = ( chenna = nice) nicely, beautifully
Naduvalitta= naduvu(= in the middle, waist) alli (= there )+ itta( = kept )
Jahnavi = ganga ( she comes out of jahnu muni’s thigh and hence his daughter, jahnavi)
Janaka= father ( Vishnu creates ganga and hence he is her father)

AraLle maagaayi korala muttina haara
TaraLara odagoodi muraLiya lolana||

The one playing the flute surrounded by the ladies, wearing the pearl necklace, the peeple leaf pendant and the waistband having the mango motif|| when will I embrace him||

Aralele = AraLi (= peeple tree, sacred fig tree, ficus religiosa) + ele ( leaf )
Maagaayee = mango

Ornaments of young Krishna a pendant,on a thread, in the shape of a peeple leaf and maagayee is the chain worn on the waist. This had the mango design.

Korala = ( koralu = neck) around the neck
Muttina = ( muttu= pearl) of pearls
Haara = garland, necklace
Taralara = ( tarale= girl, young lady) young ladies
Odagoodi = among , with , surrounded by
MuraLiya = ( murali = flute) flute’s
Lolana = with, entertains
( Krishna is Murali Lola, one who enjoys playing the flute, entertains by playing the flute or is with the flute)

AppaNNa bhaagavatana roopavu taanaagi
Tuppada bindige tanda sarpashayanana ||

The one who came in the guise of appanna bhagavata( student of Purandara dasaru)
Who brought the metal ghee pot oh! One who has the snake as bed || when will I embrace||

Appanna bhagavata = a student of Purandara dasaru
Rupavu =in the guise
Taanaagi = taanu (= himself ) + aagi ( = became)
Tuppada = ( tuppa = ghee) of ghee
Bindige = a pot made of metal
Tanda = brought
Sarpashayanana = sarpa (= snake ) + shayanana ( shayana = bed, shayanana = one who has the bed ) = Vishnu ( has a snake for a bed)
( appanna bhagavata’s story follows)

DhareyoLu sujanara poreyuttriluvana
Purandaravitthalana charana kamalava||

The one who is taking care of the good people on the earth, that purandaravitthala’s lotus feet || when will I embrace||

DhareyoLu = dhare(= earth) + oLu (= in, inside)
Sujanara = good people
Poreyuttriluvana = poreyuttali ( porey= to bear, to protect. Poreyuttali = always protecting)+ iruvana ( = one who does)

Charana = feet
Kamalava = like lotus

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Adaddella oLite ayitu

Adaddella oLite aayitu
To understand this song from Purandara dasaru you have to read the story of how a rich diamond merchant, Srinivasa Nayaka became Purandara Dasa.
Srinivasa Nayaka was the son of a diamond merchant. He grew up in luxury but was a miser. His wife saraswathi bai was a very pious lady. After his parents death Srinivasa Nayaka inherited his father’s business and grew it more. He was so rich that he was called nava koti narayana ( narayana who had 9 crores)

Looking at srinivasa’s growing miserliness, god decided to teach him a lesson. He went in the guise of a poor Brahmin to Srinivasa Nayaka’s store to beg for money for his son’s thread ceremony. Srinivasa refused to entertain him for many days. Then finally getting fed up with the beggar Srinivasa gives him a useless coin and asks him to leave him alone.

The Brahmin takes the coin to Srinivasa Nayak’s wife and tells her his woes. Being a very compassionate woman but a dutiful wife, saraswathi is unhappy with her husband’s miserliness but also doesn’t want to give the Brahmin anything without asking her husband. The Brahmin suggests that she give something that her parents had given her, for she had every right on that. So, saraswathi gives her nose stud to the Brahmin.

The Brahmin takes it to Srinivasa Nayaka’s store again to pawn it for money. Srinivasa recognises the diamond stud and is furious with his wife. He locks the diamond stud in a safe in his store and goes home to check with his wife if it indeed was her’s. When Srinivasa sees that saraswathi is not wearing her diamond nose stud, he is almost certain that it is the stud in his store. He asks where the stud is, saraswathi hides what actually happened and tells that she had removed it for washing. Srinivasa asks her to wear it immediately. Saraswathi goes inside as if to get the diamond stud. She is unhappy that she lied and while praying to Lord Krishna tries to consume poison.

When she just about to drink the poison she hears a metallic noise and sees the diamond stud where the poison was. She is elated to have witnessed such a miracle and tells Srinivasa the truth and the greatness of the Lord. Srinivasa is surprised and rushes to his store to check in the locked safe. He is even more surprised to see that the diamond nose stud had vanished from a locked safe. At that moment he becomes a transformed man.

He gives away all his riches and becomes a Dasa. A Dasa is someone who spends most of his time engrossed in God. They beg for food for themselves and their family.

In this song Purandara Dasa praises his wife for showing him the right path. It was her piety and devotion to Krishna that made her witness a miracle. It was her devotion that made Srinivasa Nayaka realise that devotion was the path to salvation.

aadaddella oLithE aayithu namma

Whatever happened is good
Adaddella= adaddu (= whatever happened) + ella ( =all)
OLite = good
Ayitu = happened

Namma = our

Sreedharana sEvege saadhana sampaththaayithu

It became a means for serving the Lord shreedhara

Shreedharana = for Lord shreedhara

Sevege = to serve

Sadhana = means
Sampathayitu = sampattu( = wealth)+ ayitu ( =became)

( here Sadhana sanpathaayitu would also mean it became the capital amount. In a way it means the beginning. Like you would start a business with a capital amount. In the same way what ever happened in Srinivasa Nayak’s life became that capital amount for Purandara dasaru to serve the Lord. That amount ( the incidents that happened, which made him a realised man) acted as a means through which he could serve the Lord. This is my interpretation, correct me if I am wrong)

danDige beththa hiDiyuvudakke

To hold the tambura and the stick

Dandige= a musical instrument with 1 to 4 strings to keep the shruti and the rhythm correct while singing.

Betta = any long stick, like a walking stick

Hidiyuvudakke = hidiyuvudu( =to hold) + adakke ( for that )

manDe maachi naachuthalidde

I was Bending my head in embarrassment

Mande = head

Maachi = bend, looking down

Naachutalidde = naachutali ( = being ashamed )+ idde ( = I was)

henDathhi santhathi saaviravaagali

Let the number of that wife increase in thousands

Hendathi = wife

Santati = number ( it also means off Spring, progeny. Then it would mean let the off Spring of such wife increase. I feel since this song is in praise of his wife he would mean the women like his wife. Again correct me if I am wrong )

Saaviravaagali = saviravu (= thousands) + aagali ( =let it be )

danDige beththa hiDisidaLayya

She made me hold the tambura and the stick

HiDisidaLayya= hidisidaLu (= made me hold ( feminine) )+ ayya ( man )

( he is so full of gratitude towards his wife that she made him realise his goal in life, that of becoming a Dasa)

gopaLa butti hiDiyuvudakke

To hold the begging bowl

GopaLa = alms

Butti = basket

Gopala butti = a begging bowl, a cloth strung over the shoulder in such a way that it would be like a bag to hold grains given by people.

Hidiyuvudakke = hidiyuvudu(= to hold) + adakke (= for that )

bhoopathiyanthe garvisuthidde

I was being proud like as though I were a King

Bhoopatiyante = bhoo(=earth, land) + pati(=Lord)+ ante (=like that)

Bhoopati= Lord of the land , King

Garvisuthidde. = garvisutta ( = being proud) + idde (=I was)

Aa patni kula saaviravaagali

Let The community of wives increase in thousands

Aa = that

Patni = wife

Kula = community

gopaLa butti hidisidaLayya

She made me hold the begging bowl, oh man

thuLasee maleya haakuvudakke

To wear the tulasi garland

Tulasi = a sacred bush, also a herb with a lot of medicinal value, the holy basil, ocimum sanctum

Maleya = that garland

Haakuvudakke = haakuvudu ( = to put on)+ adakke ( = for that)

arasanante tirugutalidde

I was wandering like a king

Arasanante= arasanu(=like King ) + ante (=like that )

Tirugutalidde = tirugutali(=wandaering) + idde ( = I was)

sarasijaaksha Sree purandara viThalanu

The lotus eyed Lord Purandara vithala

Sarasijaaksha = saras ( = lake, pond) + jaa ( = born of ) + aksha(= eyes)

Sarasija = one born of the pond = lotus

thuLasee maleya haakidanayya

He put the tulasi garland on me

Haakidanayya = hakidanu (= he put ) + ayya

Once initiation is done a Dasa has to go around begging for alms for sustenance. So the Dasa usually is pictured with a musical instrument to aide in singing, a walking stick( implies that he is walking great distances) a jolige or Gopala butti a long cloth tied at the ends and strung on the shoulder to make a bag to collect grains and other food items. At the end of the day the Dasa goes home with these items and cooks his meal, if living with family this is also used to feed his family. He also wears a garland made of tulasi. This garland purandaradasaru says was given to him by the Lord himself. Implying either that he was initiated by a saint or that his devotion to vithala made him wear the garland in other words compelled him to become his servant forever, His Dasa forever.


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Taaluvikeginta tapavu illa

TaaLuvikegintaa tapavu illa|

There is no other meditation than patience

( taaLu = wait …. Taaluvike = the act of waiting. Though this is how it can be translated in English. In the song it is not just waiting…. It actually means waiting patiently)
TaaLuvikeginta = TaaLuvikege + inta ( = more than, better than)
( tapa=tapassu roughly translates to meditation in English. But it is not only meditation it is a combination of meditation and austerities)
Illa= not there

Kelaballavarige peluvenu solla ||

For those who can listen I will tell you a useful word / utterance

Kelaballavarige = kelaballa ( = able to listen) + avarige (= to them)

Solla = again solla translates to word, utterance, but it is more than that. It is rule, something useful

Dushta manujaru pelva nishturada nudi taalu |

Show patience (and wait before acting) when evil people utter evil words

Dushta = evil, bad ;
manujaru = manuja( man, person), manujaru (plural ) = people;

Pelva = utter

Kashta bandare taalu
Show patience when you encounter hardship

Kashta = trouble, hardship

Bandare = if it comes

Kangedade taalu||
Patiently wait don’t loose hope

KaNgedade = to become dis oriented, loose hope

Netta sasi phala baruva tanaka shaantiya taalu |
Patiently wait in peace for the sapling you planted to bear fruit

Netta = planted
Sasi = sapling
Phala = fruit
Baruva = to come
Shanti = peace

kattu buttiya munde uNaluntu taaLu||

Pack food now that you will have to eat later

Kattu = tie
Butti = food packet like a picnic basket
Munde = later
UNaluntu = uNalu ( = to eat) + untu ( = there is)

Nakku nudivara munde muggarisadee taaLu|

Be patient ( or patiently wait)in the presence of taunters lest you might stumble in front of them

Nakku = laughing
Nudivara= nudiyuvavara = nudiyuva ( = the act of speaking) + avara ( = them)
Munde = in front of ( note the same word being used earlier to mean a time measurement, like in any language some words have more than one meaning in Kannada)

Akkasava maaduvara akkaradi taaLu||

Be affectionate ( or affectionately wait)towards people who are angry( or full of fury)

Akkasava = the act of being angry or furious

Maaduvara = maaduvavara = maaduva ( =act of doing) + avara = them

Akkaradi = akkare ( = affection) + indadi (= along with)

Like how a sprinkling of water patiently stops milk from boiling over ( be as patient)

Ukko haalige Neeru ikkinandadi taaLu|

Ukko= ukkuva = boiling

Haalige = to the milk ( haalu = milk)

Neeru = water

Ikkinandadi = ikkuva (= the act of putting) + andadi ( = like that)

Paksheesha hayavadana sharanendu baaLu||

Live saying that you have offered yourself to the horseheaded Vishnu.

Paksheesha( pakshi = bird, here it means Garuda the eagle vehicle of Vishnu; eesha= Lord, owner, King. Pakshi + eesha = paksheesha= Vishnu, one who is the Lord of Garuda)
hayavadana ( the horse head avatara of Vishnu )

Hayavadana is the signature of shri vadiraajaru. Meaning all vaadiraajaru composition have this name of Vishnu in the last line. Vaadiraajaru was a great daasa. One should not think that the Saint who composes these songs have these signatures to remind people that they wrote the song. The signatures are there because it is the favourite deity of the composer. They want to compose for their ishta daiva and offer it to him.

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Jaya Janaki kaanta

This song is fully in praise of Rama. All adjectives of Rama I will try to translate each adjective of Rama. Otherwise there is no hidden meaning to this song( I think )

rAga: nATa
Composer: Sri Purandara dasa

jaya jAnakI kAMta jaya sAdhu jana vinuta

Victory! To Janaki’s beloved Victory! To one who is praised by good people.

Jaya= victory
Janaki = Sita ( Lord Rama’s wife, Janaka’s daughter)
Kanta = beloved
Sadhu = good/sage
Jana = people
Vinuta = ( couldn’t get exact meaning someone here can elaborate. Nuta in Sanskrit is praised, vineeta is humble, vinuth is name of vishnu. All these found in Sanskrit dictionary)

jayatu mahimAnaMta jaya bhAgyavaMta | jaya jaya ||pa.||

Victory to you whose glory is infinite, victory to the one who has a good destiny

Jayatu = victory to you
Mahimimananta = mahima( glory/fame)+ ananta( infinite/ endless)

Bhagyavanta= ( Bhagya is destiny, could mean bestower of good destiny or one who has good destiny or one who is destiny itself)

dasharathAtmaja vIra dashakaMTha saMhAra pashupatIshvara mitra pAvana caritra

One who is born of Dasharatha, brave warrior, who killed RavaNa, friend of Shiva and who is good in conduct

Dasharataatmaja = dasharatha ( Lord Rama’s father ) + atmaja ( born of him ) = Lord Rama

Vira = warrior, brave warrior

Dashakanta = one with ten heads( kantha= neck) = RavaNa

Samhaara = killed, one who killed

Pashupatheeshwara = shiva ( one who is the Lord of paashupataastra?)

Mitra= friend

Paavana = good, holy
Charitra = conduct

kusuma bANa svarUpa kushala kIrti kalApa

The one who is Kama himself, skilfull and with a collection of accomplishments /glory

Kusuma baNa = the one with the flower arrow ( kusuma = flower, BaNa = arrow) = God of love, Kama who is supposed to be very good looking
Kushala = skilfull
Kirthi= fame, renown, glory
Kalaapa = ( I couldn’t find the kannada meaning, ) in Sanskrit among other things it means collection off. In this context I assumed this is right.

asama sAhasa shikSha aMbujadaLAkSha ||1||

One who is second to none in valour, who is humble and has eyes like the lotus petal

Asama= unparalleled, un equaled, second to non
Saahasa = valour
Shiksha = humility ( has many meanings in Sanskrit … Chose what I felt was correct here)
AmbujadaLaaksha = Ambuja ( ambu = water+ ja = born of ; = lotus ) + dala ( petal) + aaksha ( eyes)

sAmagAna vilOla sAdhujana paripAla

One who enjoys the song consisting of the verses of Rigveda set to music and one who look softer the good people/sages

Samagaana = saama ( = rigvedic verses set to music, with notes) + gaana ( song, to sing)
Vilola = enjoys

Sadhu = good/sage
Jana = people
Paripala = one who looks after

kAmitArtha pradAta kIrti saMjAta

One who is capable of giving anything that is desired, and is always associated with glory

Kaamitaartha = whatever is desired ( more explanation needed)
Pradatha = one who gives

sOma sUrya prakAsha sakala lOkAdhIsha

One who is resplendent with a brightness of both sun and moon and is the Lord of all the worlds

Soma = moon
Surya = sun
Prakaasha = bright, light
Sakala = all
Lokadheesha = lokaat ( worlds’) + eesha ( Lord)

shrI mahA raghuvIra siMdhu gaMbhIra ||2||

Oh! Great Brave warrior of the Raghu clan and one who is as calm as the ocean

Shri = a way to address ( also means Lakshmi )

Maha = great
Raghuveera = Raghu ( an ancestor of Rama, since Raghu, the family was known as the Raghu clan) + veera = brave warrior

Sindu = ocean
Gambheera= calm

sakala shAstra vicAra sharaNajana maMdAra

One who knows all there is to know of shaastras and is the heaven for people who are in his refuge

Sakala = all, everything

Shaastra = study, subjects, topics of study, scriptures

Vichaara = content

Sharanajana = sharaNa( = one who takes refuge) + jana ( = people)

Mandaara = heaven ( again the word has multiple meaning in Sanskrit, used what makes sense here)

vikasitAMbuja vadana vishvamaya sadana

One whose face is like a fully opened lotus, whose house is the whole universe

Vikasitaambuja = vikasita ( = opened, bloomed ) + ambuja ( = lotus)
Vadana = face

Vishvamaya = of the whole universe

Sadana = home, place where you live

sukRuta mOkShAdhIsha sAkEta puravAsa
Virtuous, the Lord of moksha and the one who lives in the city of saket

Sukruta = virtuous

Mokshadheesha = mokshat ( =of salvation) + eesha ( = Lord)

bhakutavatsala rAma puraMdara viThala ||3||

One who is affectionate to the devotee, Lord Rama, oh! Vithala of Purandara

Bhaktavatsala = Bhakuta ( = bhakta = devotee) + vatsala (=one who is affectionate)

Raama = Lord Rama

Purandara = a place in Karnataka

Vithala = name of Krishna/Vishnu

Translated to the best of my ability

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Tamboori meetidava

ತಂಬೂರಿ ಮೀಟಿದವ ಭವಾಬ್ಧಿ ದಾಟಿದವ
ತಾಳವ ತಟ್ಟಿದವ ಸುರರೊಳು ಸೇರಿದವ

ಗೆಜ್ಜೆಯ ಕಟ್ಟಿದವ ಖಳರೆದೆಯ ಮೆಟ್ಟಿದವ
ಗಾನವ ಪಾಡಿದವ ಹರಿ-ಮೂರುತಿ ನೋಡಿದವ

ವಿಠ್ಠಲನ ನೋಡಿದವ
(ಪುರಂದರ) ವಿಠ್ಠಲನ ನೋಡಿದವ ವೈಕುಂಠಕೆ ಓಡಿದವ

Before writing the translation of this song I feel an introduction to the ‘dasa’ is needed.

The dasas are people who have decided to spend there lives in the service of God, by singing his praises. They usually carry a tamboori to maintain the shruti as well as the rhythm in the song. They wear anklets too which means they also danced to these songs that they wrote and composed music for.

Purandara dasa is one such dasa. He is a great poet and devotee of vittala. His poems are in Kannada. The dasa litreture in Kannada is very important not only for the language used but for the reason it started. The dasa’s though mainly follower’s of Shri Madhwaachaarya, wrote poems on subjects including devotion, various avatara’s of Vishnu, philosophy as well as society and it’s conduct. The purpose of these songs were to teach the illiterate people about devotion and philosophy. They are also set to music and so people learnt it as songs. Purandara dasa is called the father of Carnatic music. He formulaised the initial lessons of Carnatic music and brought structure to the way it is taught. Most kannadigas would have heard ‘dasara padas’ ( pada meaning poem) at temples, movies and social gatherings. Each dasa has his own favourite diety. Kanakadasa’s is kagnele’s( a place in Karnataka) aadikeshava, vaadiraajaru’s is hayavadana ( the horse head avatara of Vishnu) and Purandara dasa’s is Purandara ( a place in Karnataka ) vittala.

In this song Purandara dasaru is singing about dasas. The dasa not only enlightens people he also attains salvation through his songs.

Pallavi: tamboori meetidava bhavaabdhi daatidava|

The one who plucked the tamboori( a musical instrument) the one who crossed this world
( the one here is the dasa. He has crossed this ocean called earthly life )

Tamboori = a stringed musical instrument
Meetidava = meetidavanu = meetu ( to pluck the string of a musical instrument) + avanu ( that person )
Bhavaabdhi = bhava ( life on Earth) + abdhi ( ocean)

Anupallavi: taaLava taTTidava suraroLu seridava ||

The one who maintained the rhythm joined the demigods ( became one of the demigods)

TaaLava = Taalavannu = Thaala( rhythm) + annu ( a gramatical suffix)

TaTTidava= tattidavanu = taTTida + avanu

Tattu= to tap ( in Carnatic music rhythm is maintained by the singer by tapping the palm of the right hand on a surface. The fingers are used to keep count and so does the downward or upward facing palm)

SuraroLu : surara ( demigods, devas who live in heaven or swarga) + oLu ( in, with)

Seridava = serida ( to join, joined ) + avanu

CharaNa 1: Gejjeya kattidava khaLaredeya mettidava |
The one who tied the anklets conquered the hearts of evil people
( the dasa with his dance and song can conquer or influence even evil people)

Gejjeya = Gejjeyannu = gejje ( anklets) + annu ( grammatical suffix)
Kattidava = kattidavanu = kattida ( tied) + avanu

KhaLaredeya: khaLara ( evil people’s) + edeya ( heart)

Mettidava = Mettidavanu = Mettida ( stepped on, conquered)+ avanu

Gaanava paadidava hari- mooruti nodidava ||

The one who sang has seen God
( through his songs the dasa actually sees God)

Gaanava = gaanavannu = gaana( song ) + annu

Paadidava = paadidavanu = paadida ( sang ) + avanu
Hari = name of Vishnu
Mooruthi = usually means idol, here it means the actual form of God

Nodidava = nodidavanu = nodu ( to see ) + avanu

Charana 2: vithalana nodidava |
The one who has seen vithala

Vithala : name of Krishna

(Purandara) vithalana nodidava vaikuntakke Odidava ||

The one who has seen God runs to vaikunta

( the dasa who has seen the form of God is transported to vaikunta, the place where Vishnu resides. In other words, the dasa attains moksha)

Purandara vithala = purandara ( a place in karnataka) + vithalana ( vithalanannu = vithala + annu )

Vaikuntakke = to vaikunta ( place of Vishnu)

Odidava = Odidavanu = Odida ( to Run) + avanu

I would like to add that these dasara padas have a lot of meaning. I have tried to translate it. However, I am limited by my knowledge and experience and cannot do justice to these great songs. I am sure it is not perfect. It is more a rough understanding. Please do write to me if you have anything to say about this particular translation. Thank you

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Kashta pattaru Illa

Pallavi: Kashta pattaroo illa KaLavaLeesidarilla |

It doesn’t matter if we do hard work or if we worry|

Kashta = trouble or hardwork. Padu= experience or do = pattaroo = even if you do
( in Kannada there are compound words like in any other language. Though the individual words’ meaning is simple the compound word gives an entirely different meaning. Like the word ‘Kashtapattaroo’. Here it means how much ever hard you try )

KaLavaLa= worry, kaLvaLisu = to worry

brashtaamana ninna haNebarahadashtallade ||

Oh! Spoilt brain it will be as much as it is your destiny||

Brashta= spoilt mana = manassu = mind

Ninna= your
HaNebarahadashtallade = HaNe ( forehead) + barahada ( writing of ) + ashtu ( that much) + allade ( if not ) =( what else?) If not for as much as your destiny.

CharaNa 1: sirivantanaa sneha maadidaroo illa|

Not if you do a rich man’s friendship|
( not if you have riches)
Siri = wealth ( also Lakshmi) sirivanta = one who has wealth, rich man

Pari pari vidyegaLa kaliterilla||

Not if you learn various subjects||
( Not if you gain great knowledge)

Pari = types ( many different types )

Vidya= knowledge (Vidya can’t be directly translated to English. We can call it knowledge. But in regional languages it could also mean topic or subject like in dhanurvidya…. Art (knowledge) of wielding the bow or sakala vidyaa parangata… One who is well versed in all topics. Here it means various topics)
VidyegaLu = many different topics

Nari buddhiyandadi nadedu kondaroo illa|

Not if your intellect behaves like that of a fox|
(Not if you cunning like a fox )

Nari = fox
Buddhiyandadi = buddhi ( intellect)+ andadi ( like hat of)

Nadedu = walk like ( nade = walk) , behave like

Ariyade halavu bage hambalisiderilla||

Even if you yearn in many ways not knowing what to do ||

Ariyade: ari( to know ) , ariyade = to not know
Halavu = many

Bage = ways

Hambalisiderillaa = hambalisu ( yearn )+ iddaroo ( to be ) illa ( no)

CharaNa2: kattaaLu kadujaaNanaadaroo illa|

Not if you are a strong nor very clever |
( it doesn’t matter if your strong in body or clever in intellect)

KattaaLu= kattu ( sculpted ) + aaLu ( man, person) = someone with a strong sculpted body
KadujaNanaadaroo = kadu ( accute ) + jaaNa ( clever person) + adaroo ( even if that is so)

Illa = no

Bettaavanu kittu tandittarillaa ||

Not if you lift a hill and bring it||
( not if you move mountains. … Or even if you put as much effort to move even mountains )

Bettavanu = betta ( hill or mountain ) + annu ( this is what is called a pratyaya, or suffix in English here it means ‘a’) = bettavannu

Kittu = to pluck

Tandittarillaa = tandu ( to bring) + ittaru( to keep it down, or to keep in front of ) + illa ( no)

SrishtiyoLu kaaginele aadikeshavaraaya |

Aadikeshava of kaaginele in this creation|

( that aadikeshava who is in kaaginele )

SrishtiyoLu= srishti( creation) oLu ( = oLage= inside in)

Kaaginele: a place in Karnataka

Aadikeshava raya = aadikeshava ( name of Vishnu , please refer to bananje’s book on Vishnu sahasranama for the meaning of keshava) + raaya ( King, Lord, owner)

Kottavariguntoo kodadavarigillaa||

For those who he gives have it, for those he doesn’t don’t have it. ||

( He decides to whom it is to be given to whom it shouldn’t be. What is given can be anything … Happiness, knowledge, prosperity, wealth, sadness, despair and even moksha)

Kottavariguntu = kottu ( = kodu = to give) + avarige ( for them, for those) + untu ( is there , have)
Kodadavarigillaa = kodada ( not given) avarige ( for them, for those) + illa ( no)

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kallu sakkare kolliro

Pallavi: KaLLu sakkare kolliro |

Buy the sugar candy
( koLLu = buy, koLLiro = you all buy , sakkare = sugar , kaLLu = stone or hard; here it means hard. )

KaLLu sakkare koLLiro neevellaroo ||
( neevellaroo = all of you)

KaLLu sakkare kolliro ….

KaLLu sakkare savi ballavare ballaru

The sweetness of the sugar candy is known to the one who know
( savi= sweetness, ballavare = people who know or have the knowledge , ballaru = they know)

Anu pallavi: Pulla lochana shree Krishna namavemba
KaLLu sakkare kolliro||

(You all )Buy the sugar candy that is
The lotus eyed shree Krishna’s name

(Pulla= flower. Here it must mean lotus, lochana = eyes, naama + emba = namavemba = that name)

Charana 1: ettu HerugaLinda hottu

It is not something that is sold like such things that oxen ( or other such animals) are made to carry

( ettu= ox, horigalu= oxen, hottu = carry, maaruvudalla = maaruvudu(to sell)+ alla (not, no))

Hoth hottigONiyoL tumbuvudalla

It is not something tat you fill a sack with frequently
( hoth = hottu = carry, hottigOniyoL = hotti ( to carry) + gONi( sack) + oL ( inside, in))

etta hodaroo baadige sunkavidakkilla

There is no rent or tax on it wherever you take it

( etta = where, where ever. Hodaroo = go( even if you go) . Baadige = rent, sunkavidakkilla = sunka ( tax)+ idakke ( for this) + illa (no, none) )

Uttama sarakidu ati laabha taruvantha

( uttama = the best. Sarakidu = saraku( commodity) + Idu ( this) . Ati = the most. Laabha = profit. Taruvantha = taruvudu ( will bring) + anta ( like that) )

It is the best commodity the will bring the most profit

KaLLu sakkare kolliro

Buy that sugar candy

Charana 2: sante santege hogi shrama padisuvudalla

It won’t make you work hard by making you go from one ( market) fair to another

( sante = village or market fair. Santege = to the market fair. Hogi = to go. Shrama = work, hard work. PaDisuvudalla = paDisuvudu ( will make you ) + alla ( won’t ) )

SanteyoLage ittu maaruvudalla

It is not something that is sold in a market fair

( santeyOLage = sante + OLaGe( inside, in) . Ittu = keep. Maaruvudalla ( see first charana))

Santata bhaktara naalige savigOmba

Something that is always sweetens the tongue of the devotees

( Santata = always. Bhaktara = devotees. Naalige = tongue . SavigOmba = that sweetens )

Kaanta purandaravitthala naamavemba

Beloved purandavitthala ‘s name

( kaanta = beloved . Naamavemba ( see anupallavi))

KaLLu sakkare kolliro

Buy that sugar candy

I have just wrote the meanings of the words as is. But this song is not just that. There is a lot of philosophy in the song which I can’t explain ( as I haven’t understood). If someone here can explain it, I would greatly appreciate that. I am also posting the link to the video of this song in the movie kanteredu nodu.

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Yaadava nee baa

Pallavi: Yaadava nee baa yadukula nandana |

Come yadava ( Krishna ) son of the yadu clan |

Madhava madhusoodana nee baaro||

Maadhava, Madhusoodhana you come||

Madhava, Madhusoodhana (names of Krishna, good explanation of the names in bananje govindacharya’s book on Vishnu sahasranama)
( nee= you)
( baaro = ( masculine )come )

Sodaramaavana madureli maduhida |

One who killed his uncle in madure (??)|

(sodara mava = mother’s brother. Kamsa)

( maduhu = to kill, maduhida = he killed )

( here I am not sure if mathura, where kamsa was King, is written as madhura or there is some other meaning. If anyone here knows this please post it here. Thank you)

Yashode kanda nee baaro||

Yashoda’s son ( kanda = affectionate term, baby) come||

Khagavahanane bage bage roopane|

One who has a bird as a vehicle and who has many forms |

( khaga, sanskrit word means bird, maybe also means Garuda, eagle. Vaahana = vehicle)
( bage = many. Roopa = form ( here it means form) )

Nagemogadharane nee baaro||

One who has a smiling face you come||

( nage = smile, laugh. Moga = mukha = face. Dhara = possesses)

Jagodolu ninnaya mahimeya pogaluve|

I will sing praises about your greatness |

Jaga = world . Jagadolu = jagada olage= in the world
Mahime = greatness
Pogaluve = hogaluve = I will praise

Purandaravithala nee baaro ||

Purandaravithala you come. ||

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Naa ninna dhyanadoliralu

Pallavi: naa ninna dhyanadoliralu mikka|

When I am meditating on you ( always thinking of you) the other|

Heena manaverenu maaDaballaro ranga ||
What can the lowly humans do to me ranga||

Matsarisuverella Koodi maaDuvudeno|
What can all the envious people do together|

Achyuta ninadondu daye nanagiralu||
When achyuta your benevolence is in me||

Vaatsalya biDadiro ninna nambidenaiah|
Don’t stop your affection for me I am depending on you|

Kichchige iruve muttuvudeno ranga||
Will ants surround fire? Ranga||

( because the devotee has god’s love evil people cannot surround/harm him just like how ants can’t surround fire)

KannaDyoLagina ganTu kaLLa|
If a thief makes plans to steal the treasure in a mirror |

Kannavikkalu avana vashavaaguvudeno||
will he ever get it?||

( I am thinking this means that if God is there to protect you no evil person or evil can get to you. It is as futile as a thief trying to steal the treasure in a mirror)

Ninna nambaloo muddu Purandara vithalaa|
My belief in you beautiful ( more like cute) purandara vithalaa |

Chinnakke putavittante ahudo ranga||
is like burnishing gold ranga||

(‘ chinnakke putavittante’ is a saying in Kannada.
gold itself is considered pure and flawless … If it is burnished? Then it becomes even better and shines even brighter. That’s what the devotees belief in the Lord makes him, even better)

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Nanenu Madideno

Nanenu Madideno Venkataramana Ninenna Salahabeku Krsna
Manabhimanavu Ninagide Enagilla
Dinaraksakasvami Tirupati Venkataramana
Kariraja Karesidane Draupadi Devi Baredole Kalisidale
Harushadindali Rshi Patniya Shapava Pariharideyallo He Swami
oppidi Avalakkiya Tandavanige Oppikotteyo Bhagyava
Sarpa Shayana Shri Purandara Vithalane Aprameya Salaho Venkataraya

pallavi: What did I do oh Venkata Ramana|
You have to protect me Shri Krishna||

Anupallavi: Respect and self- respect is all yours and not for me |
Protector of the one who has nothing swamy tirupathi Venkata Ramana||

Charana: Did the elephant King ( kari = elephant raja=King …reference to gajendra moksha) force you to come?Did draupadi |

send you a letter asking you to come?||

Don’t the whole world know about the rishi’s wife who became a woman after a stone oh! Krishna

To the person who gave you a fistful of avalakki( poha) did you|
not give fortune( riches)||

One who has the snake as bed ( sarpa =snake, shayana = bed, also one who sleeps ) Purandara vittala|
, aprameya ( name of Krishna) you protect me tirupathi Venkata Ramana ||

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